In the last few years, CBD products have become a buzzing and trendy topic in the wellness industry. Those who use it regularly, report that it helps them with day-to-day stress, anxiety, and sleep issues. For a lot of working professionals, CBD oil has become a crucial product to wind down and relax after a long and hectic day.
Plus, its healing and therapeutic effects are backed by scientific data. Experts believe that CBD is a much healthier choice for people with pain and anxiety patients, as compared to opioid-based addictive medicines. CBD is natural, clean, and one of the safest compounds for the human body to help it heal and recover. However, first-time buyers often struggle to decide whether they should take CBD oil in the morning before starting their day, or at night before jumping in their bed. Well, let’s end this debate for good and out the best time to enjoy hemp’s healing effects through CBD Oil.
What are the benefits of taking CBD Oil at night?
When you take CBD oil at night before bed, it allows your body and mind to calm down and help you wind down. Let’s say you came back from the office after a long hectic day with extreme fatigue in your whole body and achy back.
Putting a few drops of CBD oil under your tongue will not only make your body feel at ease but will also curb your anxious thoughts and dull down your overall pain perception. Soon you’ll feel good, in a bit better mood, and ready to fall asleep.
While you are sleeping, CBD will work its charm on your endocannabinoid system, and reduce the frequency of waking up in between. It will have a positive impact on your body’s natural clock, and allow it to enjoy a deep uninterrupted sleep cycle.
The next you wake up, you’ll feel all recharged and rejuvenated. It will also enhance your immunity, and bring down both internal and external inflammation in the body. If you have red, patchy, and irritated skin, just apply some CBD-infused lotion on it every night, and within a week it will start to heal.
You can also increase its bioavailability by taking a dose of fatty foods. Timing matters a lot though, oil will start working within 15-20 minutes, so take it right before bedtime. Some people don’t like CBD Oil’s taste though, and may prefer CBD gummies instead, but they must note that gummies take around an hour or two before kicking in.
So, you have to take them at least an hour before bed to enjoy their calming effects. CBD at night will also curb your bedtime anxiety and stress, and allow you to feel in better control of your emotions.
What are the benefits of taking CBD in the morning?
Ok, let’s say you are a morning person who likes to start there with some drops of CBD oil in coffee and a quick run/yoga session. Here, CBD will clear your brain fog, and make you feel energized and ready for the day ahead. If you have any major event planned, it will keep your anxiety and stress in control.
Taking CBD in the morning is especially beneficial for older people who experience sharp pain in joints after waking up, mainly in winter. Putting a few drops of oil in their tea or coffee, will naturally curb pain-signaling pathways in their body, and allow them to be pain-free for hours. Plus, it will improve your overall focus and productivity by keeping your mind sharp and free from any clutter and noise.
Also, did you know that you can give CBD to your dogs and cats as well? They get highly active in the early morning hours and may disrupt your sleep in the morning. Just give them a few chews, and soon they will relax and the overstimulation in their brain will calm down as well.
Morning CBD people may also perform their workouts better, as CBD will take care of sore muscles from the last day. Plus, some experts say that it also enhances oxygen transportation and availability in the bloodstream, which can be a plus point for gym-goers.
Just be cautious about dosage, as taking too much may make you too lazy instead of active. It’s best to start with low doses in the morning, and only take higher ones at night before bedtime.
So, what’s the best time to take CBD? Morning or Night?
Well, it all boils down to personal preferences and the kind of effects you seek. Both timings are good for experiencing CBD’s wide range of healing and therapeutic effects. Instead of picking one time, why not try both morning and night doses and stick with what works best for you? More than timing, what matters is your consistency.
It’s not a magic pill, you’ll have to take it regularly for at least a few weeks to experience a full-fledged positive change. As a beginner, your full-day dose must not exceed 20mg, so you may take it all in one go, or divide it between morning and night.
That’s totally up to you, but do keep a journal and note down your progress. This will help you to create healthy habits and a consistent routine.
To sum it up, both morning and night are good times to take CBD. At night it will improve your sleep, and in the morning it will make you feel focused and stress-free for the day ahead. Pain patients can adjust the timing when they get the highest spike.
The timing of the day doesn’t matter much, as long as you take CBD regularly, you’ll benefit from it. Dosage is actually what matters for most beginners, and should only be increased gradually over time.
So yeah, CBD oil helps you with anxiety, stress, skin rash, appetite, and sleep, regardless of when you take it. Just make sure to buy it only from reputed and well-tested brands like Colorado Botanicals.